The results of the survey on the internal organizational structure of companies show that, depending on the company, there may be functional areas with different names. However, basically, companies will have the following main functional areas (Figure 1):

– Board of manager

– Administration and Human Resources (a few companies have 2 separate areas are Administration and Human Resources)

– Production

– Product Research and Development

– Quality Management (a few companies have 2 separate areas are QA, QC; a few companies give this room another name, ISO)

– Business (a few companies have 2 separate areas are Sales and Marketing)

– Accounting and Finance

– Technical areas

– Warehouse

Figure 1. Organisational chart of agri-food companies

A few companies have additional areas such as: Investment Planning, Purchasing, Logistics, Security, etc. Figure 1 depicts general information about the organisational chart. However, this organisational structure can change depending on how large or small, as well as the actual situation in the companies.